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QRCS School Program gears up for Second Semester
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As the Back to School time comes, Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) has resumed its QRCS School Program at schools, youth and girls centers, and special education institutions, under a bilateral cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. The 2019 results show that the program was implemented at 186 schools, with a total participation of 22,328 students, teachers, and parents, as follows: The health program involves first-aid and CPR training, as well as health education on nutrition, hygiene, communicable diseases, home safety, oral health, and other relevant topics. The number of beneficiaries was 14,200 students and 200 teachers from 170 schools. The 'Safe School' risk reduction program seeks to improve community disaster preparedness and effective response. It was implemented at 10 schools, with a total of 7,000 students and 500 teachers. ‘Let’s Explore International Humanitarian Law’: It is a scheme of educative lectures on International Humanitarian Law (IHL), human rights, Geneva Conventions, and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The lectures were attended by 380 students, 28 teachers, and 20 parents. In addition, QRCS collaborated with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education’s Training and Educational Development Center to hold five disaster management training workshops for 138 public school principals. Each 2-day course was attended by 40 participants. A group of QRCS’s disaster management specialists introduced the trainees to the requirements of safety and security at schools. Muna Fadel Al-Sulaiti, Executive Director of Volunteering and Local Development Division at QRCS, stated, “The past year was phenomenal for us. The school community was equipped with a package of information and know-how for life. This success was evident in the fact that the host schools responded well and requested more training courses on new topics, in order to maximize the benefit for their students and teachers”. “The QRCS School Program is crucial for the young generation,” said Ms. Al-Sulaiti. “It is designed to create a safe school environment where individuals have the ability to help themselves and others. This will definitely translate into lower injury and mortality rates resulting from accidents. The ultimate outcome is a modern knowledge-oriented society as envisaged by Qatar National Vision 2030”.